For once, PRS Healthcare is devoting an article to a book. In fact, it is quite rare for our company to make reading recommendations. However, we are sure that this book will be of great interest to you. Published in March 2024 by Editions Lavoisier, it is the 2nd edition of the “Guide d’échographie pratique en anesthésie-réanimation” (Practical guide to ultrasound in anesthesia and intensive care), better known by its acronym “Guepar”. But who is this guide for? And why a new edition? We’re going to tell you all about it.
Who is the Practical Guide to Ultrasound in Anaesthesia and Critical Care intended for?
This book is aimed at a specific group of healthcare professionals. As the back cover states: This practical guide is intended to help the operator, whether an anaesthetist, intensive care specialist or trainee, to perform and learn ultrasound-guided local anaesthesia. It is intended to be used in conjunction with reference books. Its format and illustrated design provide the user with direct assistance as close to the patient as possible.
Why a new edition of GUEPAR?
François Bart, co-author of this practical guide to ultrasound for anaesthetists, explains that the first edition was published ten years ago. According to him, it “needed updating” (see video below).
A practical guide rather than a book
This book is not a linear work. Quite the opposite, in fact. The back cover states:
“This guide is intended to be educational, offering :
- A presentation of the general rules of sonoanatomy and block construction.
- For each block: an anatomical diagram showing the structures of the regions concerned.
- Several examples reflecting the variety of clinical situations for the main limb and trunk blocks.
- For each level: illustrations and photographs with colouring and ultrasound image captions to make them easier to understand.”
Table of contents
This guide is divided into four main parts:
- General aspects of ultrasound-guided local anesthesia.
- Upper limb ultrasound-guided blocks.
- Lower limb ultrasound-guided blocks.
- Trunk blocks
This is how François Bart presents this 2nd edition of the practical guide to ultrasound for anesthetists:
“We’ve kept the usual structure, with simplified anatomy diagrams to help you find your way around. And, as always, close-up ultrasound scans with condensed images, highlighting in particular the noble structures that concern us.
In the upper extremity section, we have added hand surgery and torso blocks. We have updated the anatomy drawings with dermatomes, myotomes and osteotomes.
In the lower extremity section, we have mainly added the foot block. We have updated ultrasound images that have evolved over time.
Finally, in the trunk section, which was quite short in the first edition, we have slightly expanded it with serratus and pectoral blocks and ultrasound of the spine.”