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HCL : PRS Healthcare extends its partnership

By 15 February 2025March 13th, 2025No Comments
appel d'offre HCL partnership

After winning a CSR trophy awarded by Medef Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, the year 2025 is off to a flying start for our company. We are delighted and proud to announce that PRS Healthcare has won a new tender from HCL. We’re delighted because good news is always good news… But we’re also proud because it’s not our first time. And it’s always a pleasure to see such renewed confidence in a long-standing partner like Hospices Civils de Lyon.

appel d'offre HCL partnership

The HCL call for tenders

Our company received the good news right at the end of last year. The HCL tender was for the “provision of maintenance and spare parts for various makes of imaging equipment”. Our company won lot 10: ‘Repair of multi-brand ultrasound probes’. The tender will run until February 2027.

Renewed trust!

As mentioned in the introduction, this isn’t the first time that the Hospices Civils de Lyon have placed their trust in us. In fact, it’s a long-standing relationship! In 2016, we celebrated our first partnership with the second largest hospital group in France. Two years later, in 2018, the same was true. What’s more, this tender is also the renewal of an older tender running from 2022 to 2024. So winning this tender from HCL has a special flavour, that of a collaboration that will last… And we would like to thank them for their renewed confidence.

Why did you choose PRS Healthcare?

What tipped the balance in favour of our company?” asks Laurent Souef, CEO of PRS Healthcare. It is always very difficult to know that little extra something that makes a particular player win a tender. Indeed, responding to a tender such as HCL’s is not something you do in a hurry. However, Laurent Souef believes that “in addition to our company’s expertise and experience”, other factors also played a role. We are based in Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon. By choosing our company, HCL – in its call for tenders – opted for proximity and the circular economy. This choice is fully in line with our CSR approach.

More good news

Good news always flies thick and fast! After our CSR award and this call for tenders from HCL, PRS Healthcare is about to announce another piece of good news in the columns of its ‘news’ page. Stay tuned, we’ll tell you all about it next time!