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PRS Healthcare wins Helpévia tender

By 15 March 2025No Comments
appel d'offre Helpevia tender

appel d'offre Helpevia tenderAs we said earlier: ‘Good news always flies thick and fast’. That’s what we said in the last article on our news page. Indeed, 2025 has got off to an auspicious start for our company. In January, PRS Healthcare announced that it had won a CSR trophy from MEDEF Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. Secondly, we told you how proud we were to have renewed our collaboration with the HCL by winning a call for tenders. And now, in a repeat of the series, we’re delighted to announce that we’ve won a tender from Helpévia. Want to find out more? We’ll tell you all about it right now!

Who is Helpévia?

Created in 1980, Helpévia is a group purchasing organisation for private healthcare institutions. Its members are private hospitals (MCO, SMR, psychiatry, dialysis, HAD, PSAD) and medico-social institutions. More than 500 health care institutions and 3,100 medico-social institutions are members of this private purchasing group.

As the group states on its website: Helpévia brings together independent healthcare establishments and groups operating in the healthcare and medico-social sectors who want to buy better. Helpévia currently represents 10% of the purchasing power of the public and private hospital sector in France. To find out more, visit the Helpévia website.

The Helpévia tender

Like the HCL tender, the Helpévia tender was renewed at the end of last year. PRS Healthcare had already been recommended by this purchasing group. The new tender covers biomedical maintenance for a period of 3 years The contract will run from 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2027.

The PRS Healthcare extra? Our CSR!

It’s always difficult to know what made the difference in a tender. However, as Helpévia pointed out in a communication sent to us: “Sustainable development is now the fourth criterion in the selection of suppliers for Helpévia contracts, alongside price, product and service”. As a result, our CSR approach weighed in the balance and we were awarded the highest grade of ‘A’ in Helpévia’s tender.

Things to bear in mind

According to Laurent Souef, CEO of PRS Healthcare: This underlines the importance of us being a French player rather than an international one. It’s also important to note that this aspect of sustainable development was an equal criterion to price in the final decision. This is an important development because it’s a new dimension in this tender.