This is a very special year for the PRS Healthcare team. In 2023 we are celebrating our 20th anniversary! This is the perfect opportunity to take a look back at the many achievements of our expert ultrasound probe repair laboratory.
Regulator of the ultrasound probe repair market
A market in crisis
Twenty years ago, when an ultrasound probe was broken or damaged, engineers got rid of it. As a result, they had to supply a new one every time. This wasn’t ideal for hospitals. The suppliers charged high prices. It was also environmentally unsustainable.
The emergence of a need
It was at that time that Guillaume Soulier, founder of PRS Healthcare, had the idea of creating a laboratory with expertise in repairing ultrasound probes. “We wanted to provide a relevant service to help hospitals,” he says. “At that time, there were no such services in France. We created the need,” he adds.
Many benefits
“Thanks to this repair service, hospitals can now make substantial savings. As a bonus, there is less waste and more sustainability. And the engineers gain autonomy and neutrality. They are no longer dependent on suppliers,” he adds.
A regulated market
Finally, PRS Healthcare has been one of the main players in the opening up of the French ultrasound probe market. “We are pleased to have helped to settle this market, which was in difficulty,” says the PRS Healthcare CEO. Our mission is to continue to develop it in the future. “We are still acting as a market regulator today,” he continues.
Leader in ultrasound probe repair
We now support hospitals in France as well as internationally. We are present in 25 countries and have over 500 satisfied customers. ” It is a real success story to have taken PRS Healthcare from zero to its current position,” says founder Guillaume Soulier. “We are proud of our values,” he adds. Thanks to our expertise, we are able to market and repair more than 600 different probe models.
And this is not the end of the story for our laboratory! “The company’s development perspectives are good,” says Guillaume Soulier. Experts in the repair of ultrasound probes, our laboratory has been the leader on the French market since 2018. ” Recognition on the market is essential,” concludes the CEO.
By the way, did you know that in March 2023 it will be 8 years since our blog was created? And it’s not about to stop. In 2021, PRS Healthcare will have published its 300th post. We still have so much to talk about. Next up: the blog’s 10th anniversary! In the meantime, you can also follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter, or contact us directly through our website.